Naples Real Estate Market Update- August-2015
REALTORS® Busy from Beaches to BeyondPosted on September 6, 2015

Activity in the Naples area housing market continued its upward momentum moving into summer as evidenced in the July 2015 Market Report released by the Naples Area Board of REALTORS® which tracks home listings and sales within Collier County (excluding Marco Island). An 8 percent increase in overall pending sales (homes under contract) from 845 in July 2014 to 913 in July 2015 is one indication REALTORS® stayed busy in July. Unlike July 2014 where both overall pending sales and overall inventory decreased 13 percent respectively, activity in July 2015 had many notable peaks and very few valleys. For example, overall inventory decreased 1 percent from 3,563 in July 2014 to 3,518 in July 2015, but inventory for single-family homes rebounded with a 7 percent increase from 1,906 single family homes in July 2014 to 2,040 single family homes in July 2015. -Visit Our Website to View Available Properties